Vin Bhat

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Accounting
Location Dallas, TX, United States
Introduction Hi, Welcome the blog. Positive thinking and motivational books have helped me a lot to get out of life's trenches and 'do something'. Though the same strategies don't work for everybody at all times, they sure do give hope and ideas to make our own plans. Here, I am trying to give back the gist and assimilation of thousands of books, articles, audios and videos that I read, listen, and watch, in addition to own ideas and creations. Also included are my understandings and experiences from the abundant informational resources which are all around us, my own success & failure through different ventures, and wide array of projects I am involved in and continue to grow. Hope you like the blog and hope it helps you as I try to keep it focused on how the info here can help the readers. If it can help just a single reader, I take it as a success.