My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Grace to Gray
- Jeanne in Utila
- The Newlyweds:
- .
- ...Mind of a Saya...
- 1800CentreSquare
- 2010 March « Out and About
- : treasured up and pondered :
- [The Wellspring of The Heart]
- A Boomer's Guide to Eldercare
- A Cracked Pot
- A High And Noble Calling
- A Journey in Motherhood
- A Journey in Motherhood
- A Kreative Perspective
- A Mommy's Blog Design Studio
- A peaceful day
- A Soldier's Mother
- Adventures with Laura
- After the Ghost Blog
- Amy Letinsky
- Andi's Ramblings
- Andres SGV17's Weblog
- Angela C. Gifford
- Antique Mommy
- Ask Dr. Ellouise
- Attempting The Impossible
- Author Haven
- Beauty for Ashes
- Bellies, Babies & Mommies
- Blog Schmog
- Blog | Francine Rivers
- Blogging Bistro
- Brenda Gurung
- Bulletin Board 4 The Lord
- Burning Bushes
- Carla's Weblog
- Celestial Journey
- Central Bible Chapel
- Charlcie
- Charm of the Carolines
- Chip MacGregor .com
- CMML | Christian Missions In Many Lands | Serving Those Who Serve
- Coffee and Chemo
- Coffee with Lynn
- Cookie baker lynn
- Copyblogger
- Courage Road
- Creating Godly Children
- David W. Pierce Weblog
- Day to Day
- Delighting in His Richness
- Dennis Brooke, PMP, MBA
- Ditchin' the Kitchen
- Down The Garden Path Together
- Edgewise
- Emerge and See
- Enjoying The Moments
- Epiphany
- Eternally Grateful
- Faith, Friends, and Frappuccinos
- Family Tales
- Fannies
- finding grace
- Firefighter's Fam
- Five on Ten
- Flea Market Makeovers
- Forensics & Faith
- Freedomtrain Ministries
- Freestyle
- Fruitful Thoughts
- Funky Junk Interiors
- Gigi Devine Murfitt, Author and Speaker
- Girls to Grow
- Gluten Free Naturally
- Grace From God
- Handmade Greetings!
- Happenings at the Brainard Household
- Head Full of Mush
- Heart to Heart with Holley
- Home Cooking In Montana
- Homeschool on the Croft
- Homesteader's Heart
- Hope for Wounded Christians
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/kimmartinezstayingfocused
- Inland Northwest Christian Writers - Answering the call to write
- Insalata Mista
- InSpired Writer
- Journey
- Joy 4 Today
- Joyfull Living
- June Bug's Reflections
- KayteeJanes House
- Kenya-Sudan-2010
- Kimberlee Conway Ireton
- Lamp Unto My Feet
- Laura
- Learning As I Go
- Leelou Blogs
- Leigh vs. Laundry
- Library of Congress Blog
- Life as we SKI it.
- Life in Type
- Life through the lens
- Lifey as a DIY wifey
- Live Write Breathe
- Look to the Sky
- Love Links
- LRH Books Blog
- Majestic Mysterious Moments
- Mcarthur Mile
- Mod Vintage Life
- Mom in Cancerland
- Mom-Me
- Mommy-O
- Mothers Living with Cancer
- Music Maiden
- my blessed life
- My Messy, Thrilling Life
- Nesting
- Nick Harrison's Blog
- Northwest Christian Writers Association
- Notes Abroad
- Novel Rocket
- on second street
- One Step Further
- Over the Moon with Joy
- Patchwork Pieces
- Peeling Back the Bark
- Physician Assistant School in Review | Just another WordPress.com site
- Pilgrim Poetry
- Pray for Johnson Family
- Preparing My Heart Blog
- Project Day
- Raise Your Eyes
- Raising Arrows
- Raspberries n' Cream
- Rebecca Stuhlmiller
- Recycled Interiors
- Redeeming The Days
- relevantblog
- Reminisce...
- Rest Here In These Open Arms
- Resting in His shadow
- Restored for Purpose
- Right-Angle Girl
- Ruffled
- SAHM I Am!
- Scott School
- Seeds Of Faith Women
- Shabby Vintage Mom
- Shannon's Shows!
- Shining for Christ
- Simple Bites
- Simply...This. That. And The Other
- Stobbe Literary Agency » Home
- summit.street.joy
- Sun Breaks
- Sweet Bee Cottage
- Talking to Myself
- Terry Glaspey
- The Bassett Bulletin
- The Blog Doctor.
- The Book Guardians
- The Clarks
- The Comforts of Home
- the Crazy Train
- The Fancy Farm Girl
- The Feral Turtle
- The journey home
- The Last Draft
- The Master's Artist
- The Piano Guys Blog
- The Roli Poli's
- The Sullivans
- The Tech Mom
- The Totem Project
- This is Israel
- thoughts from fabs
- Time-Warp Wife - Keeping Christ at the Center of Marriage
- timelesslove
- Tired Working Mom Times Two
- Travis Van Dyke
- Trees of Righteousness
- Unqualified:
- vintage mommy
- VintageFeedsacks
- We Don't Need No Education
- West Bank Mama
- WholeHearted Home
- WinePress of Words
- Womens Leadership Advantage | Empowering women to live the life they were created to live
- Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors
- WordPress News
- Work in Progress
- Write 2 Empower
- Write On The Edge
- www.thelumberjackswife.com
- Y o u r W r i t e r s G r o u p
- You're talking too much......
Gender | Female |
Industry | Non-Profit |
Occupation | Wife, Mommy, Writer |
Location | Pacific Northwest, United States |
Introduction | I am a born-again Christian who was saved in 1982. I was married in 86, had children in 87,88,90,93,96 and 02. I have been home schooling 17 years, have 10 left. (But, who's counting?) I am very blessed! |
Interests | The Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible, my family, writing, reading, history, home-educating, gardening, photography, traveling, sewing, crafts, playing with toys, collecting toys, buying toys, camping, antiques, thyroid cancer, home schooling, papillary thyroid carcinoma |
Favorite Movies | Gods and Generals, Gettysburg, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Anne of Green Gables, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Singing in the Rain, North and South |
Favorite Music | Keith Green, hymns |
Favorite Books | The Bible, Josephus, Pontius Pilate, any A.W. Tozer or William McDonald |