Country Girl in the City
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- | DAR CHICAGO :: The First Chapter
- A Slab of Brie
- Barking Backward
- Blog | Accredited Online
- Copyblogger
- History Press Blog
- Kahn's Corner
- Letterheady
- Letters of Note
- Lists of Note
- Melissa's Mid-life Musings
- Museum of the American Revolution blogs
- My Invented Isabel
- Newberry
- Off The Beaten Page Travel
- Shelf Talker
- Story of the Week
- The Legal Genealogist
- The LHSP Pilot Reunion | Celebrating 50 years of living and learning at Alice Lloyd Hall
- The Narrative Journey of An Everyday Teacher, Puppy Mom & Family Gal
- The Oyster Review
Introduction | I'm just a small town kid trying to make sense of big city life. While I love many of the trappings of city life, I long for a more rustic existence...trees, open space, my own garden, fresh air. We have a great city park system, but somehow, it's just not the same. |