
My blogs

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Trophy Wife!
Location California. Seriously. Trophy Wives Originated Here., United States
Introduction Trophy: a highly desirable symbol of wealth or success: a trophy wife [Greek tropaion]

As a self-proclaimed trophy wife, I wish for each woman to find her "inner trophy wife" and perhaps, in some small way, I desire that my musings may help each fellow sister achieve her full and glorious potential or at least to provide an occasional diversion from the laundry. Either or.

Clearly, although grammatically correct, the trophy wife is prone to run-on sentences
Interests Reading, writing, not-so-much arithmetic, cooking, my dog, my flowers, floating in the pool, my trophy husband, cleaning, pilates
Favorite Movies I can't sit still during movies. Sorry.
Favorite Music Happy music only please
Favorite Books Latest? Little Bee until the endish part