
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Homemaker
Location Poplar Grove, Illinois, United States
Introduction I am a mother of two boys, Cale, 11 (my Type 1 - dx 8/6/07 - was using the OmniPod, but because of an allergic reaction, is back on MDI's) and Ryan, 8. I have been married to Pat for 12 years (WOW!!). I am currently a stay-at-home mom, part endocronogist/part nurse, full time pancreas, driver, cook, maid, accountant (not a good one!), activites director, etc.... This blog is here not only to keep our family that live out of town in the "loop" but I also come here when I need to "let it all out" about Diabetes and it's affect on not only my son, but on life in general.
Interests I'm trying my hardest to get up to speed with my scrapbooking (Cale is 9 and I only have his pictures up to his 1st Christmas and Ryan still hasn't made it out of the hospital)!
Favorite Movies Dave, Sixteen Candles, American President, and sadly I cannot not watch Legally Blonde when it is on.
Favorite Music Country - Tim McGraw, Keith Urban (you know the yummy guys!)
Favorite Books I'll read almost anything that is fiction and doesn't have to do with history. Full of smut helps!

Why does the color blue mean raspberry-flavored?

Because Smurfs are blue and as big as raspberries....