The Mill

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Location Philadelphia, PA, United States
Introduction "I Am The Mill" has been conceived by, and written from, the brain of Scott Rathmill. "The Mill" is Scott's nickname. Or at least he'd like to believe that he's cool enough to have a nickname of some sort. And the name "Scotty Potty" has grown tiresome over the years. He tries to get various people to call him "The Mill" or just "Mill", and hopes to someday have strangers on the street shouting "Hey Mill, what's up?" Or "Yo Mill, your blog blows!" Really, any sort of recognition would do.
Interests Girls, dogs, cars. The faster the better - for all of them.
Favorite Movies Leprechaun 6, The Royal Tenenbaums, Invincible
Favorite Books Leprechaun 6: The Novel, Middlesex, Lolita, 1991 Encyclopedia of Baseball