John Rieger
My blogs
- Saysame (My blog)
- Saysame - 911 Cover-up "Smoke & Mirrors"
- Saysame - On Israel--history-...
- Saysame - On Religion, Denials and Truth
- Saysame - On Politics - Denials and Truth
- Saysame - On Earth Changes
- My Journey to the New World
- Test Blog
Gender | Male |
Location | woodstock, Ontario, Canada |
Introduction | Saysame - is about my on-going journey and search for truth and love and my desire to live life as an expression of who I really am and not who I, or others, think I should be. What I have experienced and come to know as my truth has put me outside the box and 180 degrees out of phase with present society programs and beliefs. Saysame (My Blog), journals my personal experiences and insights from a different (non-denial) point of view. My intent is to enable others to not only see and feel my experiences and inter-actions with others, but also my personal awareness and empowerment .... .... All my "Blogger" blogs are now current and include links to related stories or issues. As religion and politics are the two major aspects that define our present society, my intent is to bring awareness of the inter-related denials, power plays and unlovingness within them by exposing what is really going on behind the Religious facade of niceness and kindness and subtle power-plays hidden in Political diplomacy.... .... My other web sites and message board are still under various stages of construction and/or re-construction.... .... John |
Interests | Camping, hiking, flat & white water canoeing, the beach, biking, curling, baseball, fitness, sculpting, wood carving, making native drums, painting, guitar, flute, reading, music, ballroom dancing, gardening, handyman projects, Internet, and of course, garage sales, :) |
Favorite Movies | The Matrix, Pleasantville, Oh Brother, "wherefor art thou", Liar-Liar, What dreams may come, The Trueman Show, to name a few. |
Favorite Music | I prefer non-verbal music, and even foreign music, where I'm not caught up in listening to the words, but rather, where I can just listen, and feel the rhythm, and the beat, and the emotions of the singer. I like most types of music, but not a lot of the same, I also enjoy the natural sounds around me, With music comes Dance, I like the Rhumba, Cha Cha, and of course, Segars, "ole time rock and roll, the kind of music that just moves your soul." :) |
Favorite Books | Right Use of Will... Series by Ceanne DeRohan |