Brainspotting {B.E.A.M.S.}

My blogs

About me

Industry Religion
Occupation Pontifex Maximus
Location Ankh-Morpork, ∞7, Bermuda
Introduction The Good Guys from La Mauve ^0^ 1905 (Shots ina your face) (Οὐρανός)
Favorite Movies The Player/The Man from Earth/Memento/El laberinto del Fauno/Mechanical Orange/Lawnmower Man/Intacto/Traffic/Le Grand Détournement/The Birds
Favorite Music The Cat Empire/International Noise Conspiracy/The Slackers/Puppet MastaZ/Asian Dub Foundation/Klub des Loosers, TTC & Orgasmic/Pink Floyd/The Exploited/Les Béruriers Noirs/Victor Wooten/ JAMES JAMERSON / Me & My Bass Guitar
Favorite Books H2G2/Le Magicien - Revzani/LePrince/Dans la Solitude des Champs de Coton - Bernard-Marie Koltès/The Lovely Bones/The Discworld novels & the Gnomes/As You Like It & Others - Shakespeare/La Vida es un Sueño - Pedro Calderón de la Barca/Silmarillion & Others - Tolkien/The Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde/Hermetics & Symbolists (Artaud, Mallarmé, Rimbaud, Verlaine & Baudelaire) /Etc.. Ask for More !