Major F. Jack Collins

My blogs

About me

Industry Military
Occupation Aethernaut
Introduction A soldier, a scholar, gentleman and explorer, I am currently acting as an emissary of the United States Secret Service under President Grant to Her Majesty Queen Victoria's 3rd Royal Aether Expeditionary Fleet, currently in orbit about Venus.
Interests Steamships, Airships, Aether Exploration, Military History, Natural Philosophy, Homer's Works, Herodotus, Tea
Favorite Movies Is that what they're calling them these days? How crude. Well I suppose my favorite - as is right and proper for a gentleman - would be the waltz, but some folk dances can be quite interesting....
Favorite Music John Philip Sousa, Schubert's 8th
Favorite Books The Iliad, The Odyssey, Herotodus' Histories, The Gentleman's Book of Etiquette

The first time you had your shoes taken off - how surprised were you to see that you still had toes?

I was quite astonished, since the dropped axe-blade of one of the Royal Venusian Guardsman had severed the toes of my boots quite cleanly. We were exploring the smaller of Mars' two moons in a small scout ship, and it was deathly cold. So cold, in fact that I couldn't feel my toes. Lucky for me they had curled back in my socks for warmth, else I would have had such a limp!