Carrie Harris
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Writers Helping Writers
- 1 ARC Tours
- A Blurred History
- A Diary of Delectables
- Amber Lough
- And Anything Bookish
- Apparently !
- Author Bethany Wiggins
- Barrie Summy
- Beth Revis
- Between Fact and Fiction
- Book Aunt
- Book Chic
- Books By Their Cover
- Carrie's YA Bookshelf
- Change Write Now
- Chocolate for Inspiration
- Class of 2K11
- Class of 2k12
- Confessions
- Ellz Readz
- Em's Bookshelf
- Exile in Goyville
- Faerie Drink Review with Devyn Burton
- Fantasy Debut
- Find the Time to Read
- Finding My Voice
- Frenetic Reader
- Heim Binas Fiction
- Hello Ello
- Hyperbole and a Half
- I Should Be Writing
- Join The Birdies
- Kiersten Writes
- Kiki Hamilton, Author
- Larissa's World
- Lemons for Lemonade
- Lenny's World
- lisa and laura write
- Lisa D. Writes
- Literary Rambles
- LiyanaLand
- Mason Bundschuh
- Mireyah Wolfe
- Murphblog
- Ninjerktsu
- Overnight at Thistletonthwaite Castle
- Penultimate Page
- Penultimate Page
- Pimp My Novel
- Rachel's Journal
- Randy Russell
- Ray Veen: word-slinger
- readergirlz
- Rose Cooper
- S.R. Johannes
- Sara McClung
- SeeSaraWrite
- Shannon Messenger
- Shrinking Violet Promotions
- Some Things I Think...
- Steph Bowe
- Stephanie Ruble - author / illustrator
- Suzie Foods
- Tara Maya's Tales
- Tera Lynn Childs
- The Apocalypsies
- The Book and the Worm
- The Book Scout
- The Bookanistas
- The Hopeless Gamer
- The League of Extraordinary Writers
- The Question of the Day
- The Story Siren
- The Writer's Hollow
- the(EPIC)rat
- These Dark Things
- Totally the
- Trac Changes
- TRT Book Club
- Two Hundred Fingers Tapping
- Vikki Bickell
- vvb32 reads
- We Love YA!
- Words, Words, Words...
- Workforced
- Writer Musings
- Writer on the Side
- Written In Lipstick
- YA Addict
- YA Author Trish Doller
- You 2.0 blog - YA author Kay Cassidy
- you look delicious
- Zombies And Toys
- Zombies in Tiaras
Gender | Female |
Industry | Arts |
Occupation | Writer |
Location | Michigan, United States |
Introduction | I like writing books, playing games, fighting evil, and cooking (everyone's got to have hobbies). |