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About me

Gender Male
Occupation Artist
Location Canada
Links Audio Clip
Introduction I am a Canadian Artist, whose media of choice is acrylics. I would for the most part define myself as a landscape artist. My paintings hang are in private collections in England, Barbados, the USA and Canada.
Interests - author of magazine articles - amateur radio operator - speaker for various clubs - former Keynote Convention speaker - former sports internet play by play announcer - volunteerism
Favorite Music any genre that touches my soul, illuminates my mind and excites my imagination.
Favorite Books Forbidden Isles, The Stone Angel - Margaret Lawrence, Stone Diaries - Carol Shields, Margaret Atwood's Books, W.P. Kinsella, Shoeless Joe, Robertson Davies, Jeffrey Archer, Victor Frankl - Man's search for Meaning, John Steinbeck -The Grapes of Wrath, Paul Galico - Snow Goose, Lawrence Hill - The Book of Negroes, Malcolm Gladwell - The Outliers, Alan Paten - Cry the Beloved Country, Pearl S. Buck - The Good Earth, Obisan, The Bible...most of Shakespeare, Dickens...where does the list end? (English major in university)