Aurora Devries

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Blogger
Location Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Introduction Aurora is a scientist in the field of physical and mathematical sciences, but the subjects of her research are questions of demography, history, evolution, and cultural cataclysms. Through quantitative and comprehensive research of history and the foreseeable future of humanity, Aurora and the reader find answers to these questions. Aurora writes articles for historians, mathematicians, geographers, anthropologists, sociologists, educators, psychologists, politicians and geopoliticians, philosophers. For anyone interested in an academic approach to the theory of world population growth. Thanks to the works of Aurora, you will learn what the demographic revolution is bringing to the world today - a periodic explosive growth of population due to a decrease in mortality and increased infertility. And what is it fraught with for the further development of mankind?
Favorite Movies The Forger
Favorite Music Abra Cadabra, Chance The Rapper, Chris Janson
Favorite Books The Land of Stories Series (Chris Colfer)