Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- "Mickey"
- "Through the eyes of Tweedles"
- 2 Punk Dogs
- <center>Sue the Bichon Frise</center>
- A Bowl of Noodles©
- A Dachshund Wedding
- A Jack Russell's Life
- A shell in my pocket and waves at my feet...
- A Wiener Dog Blog
- Adventures of a Cattle Dog
- Adventures of the LLB Gang
- All About Enid
- All About Me...Chancy
- Amber's Personal Diary
- Angel Keisha the Spaniel
- Angels Khady &amp; Holly&#39;s House
- animal lover, quilt lover
- Arwen's Pack
- Ask Gracie
- Asta's World
- Baby Rocket Dog &amp; Hootie
- Backcountry Brodie
- Bad Blair
- Bad Dawg Agency
- Bailey Be Good!
- bailey unleashed .com
- Bark and Chatter
- Basset Momma
- Beans4Biscuits
- Bert Did It
- bichonpawz
- Bicontinental Dachshund
- Bird Brains & Dog Tales
- Blog
- Blogville Awesome Retreat(BAR
- Blogville Community Calendar
- Blogville Fun
- Blogville Welcome wagon
- Bouncing Bertie's Blog
- Brando and Bogart
- Brandon's life... as a guide dog in training
- Brian's Home
- browndog cbr
- Butchy &amp; Snickers Blog-2 Wild &amp; Woolly Wire Fox Terriers
- calamities
- California Dreamin'
- Charlie and Taddy, Two teddies with two doggies
- Charlie Downunder in Oz!
- cheesehounds
- Chi's and the City
- Chicco e il suo mondo
- Cleopatra: The Diary of a Border Collie
- Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva &amp; Truffle
- Cookie's Comments
- Cowspotdog
- CROSSED PAWS - helping out, one paw at a time....
- Cult of the Greyhound
- Da Weenies of Florida
- Dachsies With Moxie
- Daily Dose of Jack
- Dandy Duke
- Declan's Dogs Blog
- Destructive Puppy
- Dexter's Ruff Life
- Dog A Day
- Dog Eared
- Dog Friendly Travel with DVD &amp; K9
- Dolly the Doxie
- Dolly the Doxie
- Dolly the Doxie
- Doxie Rod
- Easy Blog
- El Diario de Lorenza
- Fear the Beards
- Finn Howard
- FiveSibes™
- Flat Georges World Tour
- Floppy Tongue Joy
- Four Legged Views
- FRANKly and ERNESTly Speaking
- Friends FurEver
- Furries of Whisppy
- Furrsonality
- Gardening with Wyatt
- George The Lad
- Golden Daily Scoop
- Gospel of Goose
- Gracie Owns Me * GROWING OLD WITH GRACIE * living life without her
- Harville Hounds
- Heart Like A Dog
- Heartbeats
- Hey... It's Jet Here
- HH and the Boys
- Holly Wags
- Hound Girl
- HoundDogMom
- House Panthers
- Housecat Confidential
- How Sam Sees It
- Idaho PugRanch
- InDoxieNated
- Jans Funny Farm
- jansfunnyfarm designs
- Jennerally Speaking
- Jibberish
- Jo's World
- Joey's Jaunts
- kind Hearts ,
- kissa-bull
- Kol's Notes
- Kresty Krew
- KT's Goldens
- Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor
- Levi Mac
- Life As The MilShelb
- Life Blessings
- Life froo posie dorg's eyez
- Life of Miss Sunshade - The Vancouver SuperDALE
- Life of Riley
- Life with Doxies
- Life with my pets and I
- Little Miss Titch And The Adventures of a Gossip Bunny!
- Luna + Cynder, a dog's life...
- Maggie Mae Says
- Margs Animals
- Matilda's Boxer Banter
- Mayzie's Dog Blog
- Mayzie's Dog Blog
- Minna Krebs ~ Blogville, Texas
- Minnie, Mack and Mario's Digest
- Mojo's Metals
- Mollies Country Kitchen Deli
- Molly The Wally. The Little Dog With A Blog!
- Mumsy and Co.
- Mumsy's Kitty Korner
- Mundo da Kippy
- Murray's Mouth
- My Dogs Love Me
- My Favorite Pup Jasmine
- My Mind's Eye
- My Thoughtful Spot…
- NAK's Khorner - Khome On By!
- Nathan's Journey
- No Dog About It Blog
- Oh, Corbin
- Ok Jerry Sweet doesn't suck! But it does indeed suck that he died! That sucks AND blows!!!
- Our Rainbow Friends
- Out of the Mouth's of Dogs
- Oz the Terrier - Lifestyle Dog Blog
- Paw Province
- PawsBang!
- Peachy Keen Product Reviews
- Peeballs and Pooplogs
- Pepper's Paws
- Pepsi the lazy Maltese
- PetBloggingGames
- Piappies World
- Pooches For Peace
- Power of the Paw
- Princess Leah's Blog
- Pugs &amp; Purrs
- Puppy Kisses
- Raising Rama
- Random Felines
- Rescues and More
- Rinrinflu
- Road Dog Tales
- Romance Puppy
- Romping and Rolling in the Rockies
- Ronnii's Ramblings
- rottrover
- Roxy the Traveling Dog
- Ruby and Penny - 2 Mini Dachshunds
- Ruby the Airedale
- Sadie the Rescued Corgi
- Sarge Speaks Out
- SASS .... Shelly, Sierra, Polli &amp; Boston
- Saving Susie-Belle the Foodie Schnauzer
- Schnauzer and Schnauzer!
- Scooterland
- Secret Paws 2010
- Sew DoggyStyle
- Sheltie Times
- Simpatico
- Simply Siamese
- Smart Dog Blog
- Sparky's Blog
- Stella and Angel Rory from Down Under
- Stella's World
- Stewey Unscene
- Stillness at Cherith
- Strikes My Fancy
- Sugar The Golden Retriever - Dog Blog
- Sugar The Golden Retriever Dog Blog
- SugarHighK9s
- Suka's Just Sayin'
- Sully's blogs
- sunshine and mud puddles
- Susie and Sidebite
- Sweet William The Scot
- Tales and Tails
- Ted's Adventures!
- Teddy's World
- Ten lives and second chances
- Tessa the Maltese
- The Adventures Of Higgins
- The Adventures of The Tank
- The Bark Brothers
- The Chronicle of Woos
- The Daily Antics of Leonardo
- The Daily Bone
- The Daily Diary of Douglas
- The Daily Oskar
- The Daily Oskar
- The Daily Pip
- The Dog House
- The Doxie life of Angel Lily Belle, Angel Muffin and their Humans
- The Blog
- The Furry Kids
- The Hobbit Habitat
- The HoneyBuzz
- The Life and Times of Chewy the Shih Tzu
- The Life and Times of Remington
- The Long and Short of it All: A Dachshund Dog News Magazine
- The Painter Pack
- The Pet Parent Diaries
- The Portuguese Water Blog
- The Pugs Strike Back
- The Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 Blog
- The Slimmer Pugs
- The Teacher's Pets
- The Three Little Pugs
- The White Dog Blog
- The Writer's Dog
- This blog has moved to
- Thomasina the Mama Cat
- Though She Be But Little...
- Tiny Paws, Big Adventures
- TK and Pip- Furrever Home
- Trixie And Lily And Sammy-Joe
- Twinkie Tiny Dog | Teacup Chihuahua | A Dog Blog
- Two French Bulldogs
- Two Scotties Livin' The Dream
- Uji's Dojo
- Urban Hounds
- Walking Barefoot in the Sand
- We 3 Doxies
- Westie Julep
- wet noses
- What Holly Has Seen
- What Remains Now
- White Dog Diaries Online
- White Dog Diary Online
- Wicks, Tricks, &amp; Treats
- Winnie's Dog Blog
- Yorkie Tails
- You Love Life | You Deserve the Best
- youdidwhatwithyourweiner
- Zoolatry
- |
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Treat Thief |
Location | Cape Coral, Florida, United States |
Introduction | I am a very cute Weenie dog who loves to run and play at Rainbow Bridge with my not-so-cute brother, Max |
Interests | I enjoy eating, sleeping, stealing treats, and keeping my brudder, Max (DaOdderWeenie) out of trouble. |
Favorite Movies | The Ugly Dachshund |
Favorite Music | The Dachshund Song |
Favorite Books | A Dog's Purpose, Animals and the Afterlife |