Olalekan Oduntan

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Artiste/Culture Blogger
Location Lagos, State, Nigeria
Links Audio Clip, Wishlist
Introduction I am a Gemini. Born 26th of May 1964. Geminis are versatile people. After my secondary education, I was trained at the then Center for cultural studies, University of Lagos, Akoka Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria, (Now Creative Art Department) where music, dance and drama were taught to us. There and then, I worked with people like Professors Joy Nwosu Lo-Bamijoko, Akin Euba, Laz Ekwueme and Alaja Brown in music. And I also worked with Professors Bode Osanyin and Uwa Hunwick taking part in stage drama productions. I have taken part in a few films and I have also done sound tracks for some films as well. I am a culture blogger, an artiste, a researcher, a percussionist and an author. I like everything related to the arts generally. I have recorded six albums and they are OlaleOne In The 90s, Abracadabra, Mama Afrika, Afrikan Jazz, The Message and African Music. My passion for culture and tradition of my country gingers my interest in culture, tradition, fashion, music, dance and cuisine of other countries of the world. I have also written three stage plays and they are ODARA, ODUN IFA, VENGEANCE and a spiritual book entitled Revelation of Our Dreams. The blog is dedicated to my children.
Interests Traveling, Singing, Playing Marimba, Writing Songs, Poet..
Favorite Music Peace song, Mama Afrika, Abracadabra, Ore, Peju Sweetie and other songs @ www.reverbnation.com/olaleone
Favorite Books (1) ODARA (2) VENGEANCE (3) REVELATION OF DREAMS @ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B013F3V4XK/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_awd_d_XGfXvb0XYFY8K