Arkansas Bowhunter

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Manufacturing
Occupation President/Owner of Best Pallets Inc.
Location FORT SMITH , AR
Introduction White River National Wildlife Refuge was $2 worth of gas from the small duck hunting town of Dewitt where I grew up.

Local stories about the refuge's tree dwelling black bears, chocolate racked bucks, and un-named lakes lined with giant cypress trees, were a tempting and constant distraction as a kid. Homework was always a distant second to the “Jeremiah Johnson esque” adventures awaiting me within the swampy wilds of this lost land.

Instead of school work, my notebooks recorded locations of persimmon trees, deer trails, and favored locations to hang my Baker climbing stand. And of course game taken.

Recording the when and where of deer killed was easy. I was much less enthusiastic about noting the many olive drab Game-Getter arrows that I “planted” along well worn deer trails. As an easily excitable 16 year old, my Savora tipped arrows had a heartbreaking habit of zipping harmlessly over the backs of long necked does and occasional bucks. My notes then and now provide an opportunity to look back, learn, and reminisce.

Jim Taylor