My blogs
- Art Paul Schlosser Fan Club
- Getting 30'd
- Techism - The Nascent Replacement For Capitalism
- Chi-nights
- Pen Isandtellher
- Will-O-Wisp
- "Pen Pals On Paper" Book Project
- Ushers Of The Aquarian Age
- Test Blog
- Reviews You Can Use
- The First Church of Healing The Earth
- Battle For New Orleans
- Progressive Fest Illinois
- Progressive Democrats of Illinois
- FRRIP net Project
- The Grymwyre of Atlantean Spells
- Fighting The Good Fight: Former York Township, IL Precinct 112 DuPage County Dem Committeeman
- The Longhouse Coalition
- Plainfield Live Poetry
- *Spell Book*
- Uncle Harold's Farm
- Maui's Moon
- Sweetheart Beach
- Save Hotel Baker
- *Affirmation Station*
- Remembering Mom
- Acorn Lock and Key - Minocqua, WI
- Cab Clash!
- Batarazzi
- Magnetoverse
- The Great Lakes Zephyr - Wind Energy & Hydrogen Journal
- Longevity Oxygenists Noble Geriatrics (L.O.N.G.) {}
- Spinny's Castle
- Memories of Felicia
- The Dearth Pumpkin Chronicles
- Illinois Trails
- .0 Planner
- Shadows Over Ghostville
- Save The Earth Virtual Conference
- Dawn 2013
- #DECA Team Organizing
- Word Whizzyrds
- 66 Sax
- Staffords Of Note - Famous Staffords
- Inland Empire For Bernie
- The Cherry Staff
- Super Aquarian
- Palien Green
- The Empty Hand
- 1975 Schwinn Continental Restoration Project
- Grampa Stanley's Place
Gender | Male |
Industry | Technology |
Occupation | I.T. Instructor |
Location | Temecula, California, United States |
Introduction | I've been a technology & science geek since I saw the Apollo Moon landing in 3rd grade Summer school. Radar tech at 17 years old, 21 tears in Telecommunications, building web sites in Blogger & Wordpress, PC repair, and lately, studying and teaching Information Technology. I'm a one-tour Air Force veteran and a member of Civil Air Patrol. I have written poetry for nearly two decades, and I draw and paint a bit. Married for 19 years (so far) with one son and one stepson. I'm also a bookworm from way, way back, and love hard science fiction, space operas, and fantasy. |
Interests | Technology, Science, Space Exploration, Music, Poetry, Paranormal |
Favorite Movies | Star Wars (A New Hope), Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home, Back To The Future, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Ghost, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Tron, Batteries Not Included, Jumanji, Beetlejuice, Dirty Dancing, Flashdance, Grease, Saturday Night Fever |
Favorite Music | Rock & Roll, Classic Rock, Blues, Disco, EDM, Old Country, Jimmy Buffet, Reggae |
Favorite Books | The Dresden Files, EE Doc Smith's "Skylark" Series, the John Carter of Mars series, Stranger In A Strange Land, Childhood's End, I Robot |