My blogs
- Common Core Kids
- Tips for Top Teachers: A Smorgasboard of Teaching Resources
- Common Core Classrooms
- Conversations in Literacy
Blogs I follow
- Fun To Teach Blog
- Leaping into Teaching
- The Teacher's Lane
- 1st Grade ROCKS!!!
- 2nd Grade Pad
- 2nd Grade Pig Pen
- 2nd Grade Sandcastle
- 2nd Grade Stuff
- 2nd in Line
- 3 Teacher Chicks
- <center>Yearn to Learn</center>
- A Cupcake for the Teacher
- A Differentiated Kindergarten
- A Lovely Attitude
- A special kind of class
- A Teacher's Bag of Tricks
- A Teacher's Treasure
- a year of many firsts
- Addie Williams - Teacher Talk
- All My Best Friends Are Books
- All Students Can Shine
- An Open Door
- Apples and ABC's
- apples and papers
- Artistry of Education
- Be A Nut with Mrs. McNutt
- Bee's KinderGarden
- Blooming Into First Grade
- Booky4First
- Buggy for Second Grade
- Buzzing with Ms. B
- Cachey Mama's World of Learning
- Can Do Kinders
- Chalk and Slate
- Chalkboard Chit Chat
- Charts N Chit Chat: Best Practices 4 Teaching
- Chickadee Jubilee
- Classroom Freebies
- Classroom Freebies Too
- Classroom Magic
- Classroom Snapshots
- Clutter-Free Classroom
- Color Me Kinder
- Coloring Outside The Lines
- Come ride on the KINDERGARTEN BUS!
- Composition Classroom
- Confessions of a Primary Teacher
- Conversations in Literacy
- Cooperative Learning 365
- Courtney Mann, ETC
- Crayons &amp; Curls
- Crisscross Applesauce In First Grade
- Curls and a Smile
- Daydreams with Miss D
- Debbie's Dabblings
- Differentiation Station
- DillyDabbles
- Diving In and Making a Splash!
- Dragonflies in First
- Elementary Matters
- Erica's Ed-Ventures
- F is for First Grade
- First Grade Bloomabilities
- First Grade Blue Skies
- First Grade Delight
- First Grade Dual
- First Grade Found Me
- First Grade is a Treat!
- First Grade Magic
- First Grader...at Last!
- First Impressions
- First with Franklin
- Following Optimism in 2nd Grade
- Fourth and Ten
- From Kindergarten With Love
- Fun For First
- Fun in First Grade
- Fun in First Grade
- Funky First Grade Fun
- Glitter and Glue
- Glyph Girls
- Going Nutty!
- Growing Up Teaching
- Heather's Heart
- Hello Mrs Sykes
- Hello Sandy Patterson
- Help for Struggling Readers
- Herding Kats in Kindergarten
- HoJos Teaching Adventures
- IHeart Organizing
- Imprints From Tricia
- Innovative Connections
- It's Grow Time
- Joyful Learning In KC
- Just Add Clipart
- Just Teaching...Kindergarten Edition!
- K-1 Teaching Besties
- Kaleigh's Klassroom
- KC Kindergarten Times
- Keen On Kindergarten
- Ketchen's Kindergarten
- Kinder Alphabet
- Kinder Kraziness
- Kindergarten Lifestyle
- Kindergarten Smiles
- KindergartenWorks
- Kinders on the Block
- KPM Doodles
- Krazy About Kiddos
- Kreative in Kinder
- Kristin's Bilingual Kindergarten!
- Langston's Learners
- LaSota's Little Learners
- Learn, Laugh, Grow
- Learning Is Child's Play
- Let's Teach Something
- Life's a Teach!!
- Lifelong learning
- Lighting a Fire
- Lil Country Librarian
- Literacy &amp; Math Ideas
- Literacy and Laughter - Celebrating Kindergarten children and the books they love
- Literacy Minute
- Little Literacy Learners
- Little Minds at Work
- Little Miss Glamour Goes To Kindergarten
- Littlest Scholars
- Live 2 Learn
- Living a Wonderful Life
- Liz's Lessons
- Love Those Kinders
- Love to Teach :)
- Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
- Made In The Shade In 2nd Grade
- Me And MY Kindergarten Gang
- Moose Love Teaching!
- Mrs Jump's class
- Mrs. Bonds' 1st Grade Class
- Mrs. Bremer's Class
- Mrs. Freshwater's Class
- Mrs. Huff's Kinderblog
- Mrs. Knapp's Sack
- Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten
- Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives
- Mrs. Miner's Kindergarten Monkey Business
- Mrs. Patton's Patch
- Mrs. Shelton's Kindergarten
- Mrs. Wills Kindergarten
- Ms W's Wonders
- Ms. Fultz's Corner
- Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten
- Ms. Preppy
- Ms. Smarty Pants
- Ms. Solano's Kindergarten Class
- My Fabulous Finds
- My Kindergarten Kids
- Numbers Rule My World
- Nyla's Crafty Teaching
- Oh My Little Classity Class
- One Teacher's Take... is Another's Treasure!
- Oodles of Teaching Fun
- Passionate About Primary
- Peace, Love, and First Grade
- Perspectives
- Peterson's Pad
- Pitner's Potpourri
- PreKandKSharing
- Primary Junction
- Queen with Class
- RainbowsWithinReach
- Read Write Sing
- rubber boots and elf shoes
- Second Grade Silliness
- Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations
- Sharing Kindergarten
- Simply Centers
- Simply First Grade Fun
- SJV Tech Topics &amp; Other Great Ideas
- Smiling in Second Grade
- Sprinkles to Kindergarten!
- Stapler's Strategies
- Step into 2nd Grade with Mrs. Lemons
- Stepping into First Grade
- Sunny Days in Second Grade
- Surviving a Teacher's Salary
- Sweet Seconds
- Sweet Times in First
- Swimming Into Second
- Tadpole Tidbits
- Tales from a Traveling Teacher
- Tales of an Elementary Teacher
- Taming My Flock of Firsties
- Tangled Up Teaching
- Teach it With Class
- Teach Laugh Plan
- Teach Love Laugh
- Teach to Impact
- Teach With a Smile
- Teach123
- Teacher Park
- Teacher Tam's Educational Adventures
- Teachery Tidbits
- Teaching and Life: At the Beach
- Teaching and Much Moore
- Teaching Blog Addict
- Teaching Fashionista
- Teaching First
- Teaching in Bronco Country
- Teaching in Room 6
- Teaching My Friends!
- Teaching Tweens
- Teaching with a Twist of Liam
- Teaching With Style
- Teaching with TLC
- Teach~Play~Smile
- Tech Teacher Tidbits
- The 3am Teacher
- The Bubblegum Tree
- The Convenient Teacher
- The Convenient Teacher
- The Daily Alphabet
- The Daily Cupcake....a Kindergarten Blog
- The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher
- The Eager Teacher
- The Educators' Spin On It
- The First Grade Dream
- The First Grade Parade
- The Go To Teacher
- The Hive
- The Inspired Apple
- The Picture Book Teacher's Edition
- The Polka Dot Pencil Studio
- The Reading and Writing House
- The Resourceful Room!
- The Second Grade Superkids
- the teacher wife
- The Teacher's Chatterbox
- The Teacher's Garden
- The Teaching Resource Resort
- The Very Book Hungry Teacher
- Thinking Out Loud
- Tips for Top Teachers: A Smorgasboard of Teaching Resources
- Today In First Grade
- Tonya's Take on Teaching
- Treasures for Teaching
- Twins, Teaching and Tacos
- Twirlybird Teaching
- Welcome to the UNI-corner
- What Does the Fox Read?
- WILD About First Grade!
- Yeehaw Teaching in Texas!
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Reading Specialist |
Location | United States |
Introduction | Welcome to my blog! I love to talk about and share great teaching ideas and wonderful books with others. I currently teach reading to struggling readers K-5. Everyday is different and a whole lot of fun! |