
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Student
Location Dublin, Ireland
Introduction So this is round three with the blog thing. I'm Rachael. I'm 19 & a gap year student. There seems to be a lot of 'poor me' angsty teenage blogs out there but don't worry I promise you this blog will have none of that. As I said earlier I'm on my gap year. This year I have been truly blessed. For the first time in my life I started really living. I got to go to Africa for three months and get my hands dirty. I didn't do the bullshit tourist version either. I ate the local food, stayed with host families and worked my ass off. It was the best three months of my life. I've been back a week now and wish to share my experiences and advice with anyone that wants to listen. So I guess that's me in a nutshell hope you all enjoy. Oh and as for the blog title Hamna shida it's a kisawhili phrase meaning no worries which is the attitude adopted by most of the people I met in Tanzania.
Favorite Books The four agreements - Changed my life