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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation her tongue is currently on lease with the local post office for mail senders to wet their stamp with...
Location Philippines
Introduction like everyone else, i like chocolates.chocolate drink, chocolate ice cream, chocolate waffles...and although i don't get a lot of zits on my face...i get my own share of toothaches too...as kitten would describe me, I'm a 100-year old deranged human being, trapped in a sane 26-year old body...with the crazy part trying to get out,the old man pushing from the inside-- with a more sarcastic view of life...with a semi-senile grin on my face, that you would just love to slap off me...but please before you do so, i would like to inform you that it's my blank face...that silly grin or that far-away look where i look spaced out. if anybody has seen sleepy hollow, im like that johnny depp character...i am not brave but will face just about anything, buckling knees and all..oh, and i forgive my enemies but i don't forget their names...(u know...just in case ^.^)
Interests currentlyy interested in scraping the room of paint and splashing it with a brighter coat...
Favorite Books frankenstein, wilt, wilt alternative, dr. hunter s. thompson - songs of the doomed, holidays in hell, life of pi, master and margarita

The squish of mud between your toes; how would you live your life as a frog?

croaking my way into life