My blogs
Blogs I follow
- ...Slow & Steady
- 10minutes2breathe
- Adventures in Japan!
- All The Weigh
- At Home with Mrs M!
- Behind the White House Doors
- by hoki quilts, Hokitika
- Charts by Sandi - Free Cross Stitch Patterns
- Cherished
- Christmas Ornament Challenge 2011
- Christmas Ornament Stitch-A-Long
- clare's craftroom
- Coffee, Cake & Chocolate
- Cornbreadandbeansquilting's Weblog
- Crafts reDesigned
- Crazy California Claire
- Creating Paper Dreams
- Deb's Doodlings
- Deb's World
- debbie's corner
- Destitute Gourmet
- Farm Girl Stitching
- Feather Stitching
- Flat Princess Adventures
- Following Moonshadows
- Free Thinking Zone
- From High In The Sky
- Gallo Organico
- Gone Stitchin'...
- Gooseberry Patch
- Handmade by Heidi
- Havoc and Mayhem
- Hot Fudge Sundae With A Cherry On Top
- It Takes A Woman
- Journaling by Lizzie
- Just crafting my day away
- Kiwi Mummy Blogs
- Kiwifruit-Shiree
- Lakeside Quilting
- Laurie Blackwell
- Let Me Scrapbook!
- Lick The Bowl Good
- Life Amongst the Testosterone.......
- Life in the Slow Lane
- Life with the Boys
- Living Life One Blessing At A Time
- Living Life With Fee
- LJ Travels
- MagsGraphics Digital Scrappin' Blog
- MakeItGiveIt - Let it Shine
- Miracle Makin' Mommy
- My Next 20 Years of Living
- MyMemories Blog
- NeedledMom
- notes on paper
- PaisleyJade
- Peas In A Pod
- Pink Faith Today
- Ramblings of an empty nester
- Rocking Chair Reflections
- Running away? I'll help you pack.
- scraphappylove
- Sophie Slim
- Steece's Pieces
- Stitching Dreams
- Sweet Pea Designs
- T's Daily Treasures
- Taylor Made
- the adventures of MNMs
- The Twisted Stitcher
- this and that...
- Three Loud Kids
- To Stitch or Not to Stitch
- Toddlers of Unusual Size
- Transitional-Woman
- Twins Happen
- Val Laird Designs - Journey of a Stitcher
- WordArt Fun
- Я хочу стать врачом
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Mum / Nurse |
Location | Hamilton, New Zealand |
Introduction | Just me rambling on about life, our family and what we have been up to. |
Interests | Reading, Sewing, Quilting, Keeping in touch with Friends |
Favorite Movies | Doc Hollywood, Old Musicals, Keeping the Faith, 10 Things I hate about You, Holiday, Anne of Green Gables |
Favorite Music | I like little bits of everything. Will listen to Guns and Roses through to Country. |
Favorite Books | Anything by Danielle Steele. A good family romance goes down a treat too. |
What would you wear for camouflage if you were hiding in a gingerbread house?
M & M's, Candy Corns, Jellies, Peppermint Patties.