Mike and Poppy

My blogs

About me

Industry Education
Occupation Retired from Academia
Location Retired - Lockdown on Sea, North, United Kingdom
Introduction Mike described as 'Jack Dee in deck shoes' and a grumpy old curmudgeon who hates to see our wildlife and countryside destroyed. Poppy - a strong willed and feisty Wire Haired Fox Terrier.
Interests Radio communications with like minded people from around the world, Genealogy because my dog has a longer pedigree than me, Photography for instant memories.
Favorite Movies Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice, When Harry met Sally, Blade Runner, Anything starring Billy Crystal or Tom Hanks
Favorite Music Some classical music, Country and western music and 1950-1990 pop music.
Favorite Books Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring", Alan McArthur and Steve Lowe "Is it Just Me or is Everything Shit?"