
My blogs

About me

Industry Business Services
Occupation customer service
Location Surrey, United Kingdom
Introduction Time traveller, wife, mother of 2 men, cat owner. Interested in the natural world, eccentric folk, travel, eternal youth. I'm partially deaf, learned British Sign Language but mostly talk to myself and play music far too loud. I work in a call centre assisting the public, retiring in 1 year.. Spare time spent at my allotment growing veg, the gym or walking in the woods, hobbies painting nature, sunbathing, gossiping and planning epic travel adventures..
Interests travel, woodland, the sea, nature, silk painting, sewing, thrifting, vintage clothes, India, eccentric people and anti-social animals.
Favorite Movies All the Harry Potter films, Afterlife
Favorite Music When Rivers Meet, Queen, Santana, Black Eye Peas
Favorite Books Beatrix Potter, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, Aesops Fables, Revelations in the Bible, Bohemians home decor books byJustina Blakeney, Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady.

You're going to the moon! What did you forget to pack?

my camera without a doubt.