
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Location Oxford, United Kingdom
Introduction I'm a goth and I'm happy
I'm an atheist and kind
I'm a leather-clad vegetarian

I'm fat and I'm gorgeous
I'm a geek with good social skills
I'm a radical queer librarian!

I'm a burlesque performer from Oxford, UK, with a passionate commitment to social justice. My primary goal when working with Lashings of Ginger Beer Time has always been to provide a fully inclusive safe space, and in order to pursue this goal I need to keep constantly educating myself. I'm hoping that writing for the Lashings of Ginger Beer Time Blog will help with this process.

Sebastienne became the accidental founding member of Lashings of Ginger Beer after realising that the Cole Porter song she'd reworked for another troupe - "You're the Top" - was the first time some members of the audience had ever heard a submissive voice expressing sexual agency.