tim irwin

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Industry Religion
Occupation Pastor
Location Portland, Oregon, United States
Introduction I'm a pastor who loves the Word and I love the church! I have a heart for those on the margins – those who have not yet experienced the freedom and joy of being forgiven. I'm crazy about my wife and kids, and can't believe how blessed I am. My wants and goals are simple: to be a fully-devoted follower of Christ, the best husband and father I can be, and a committed and effective pastor. I enjoy bicycling, golf, writing worship music, hiking and family time, and my wife thinks I'm nuts because I read theology and Old Testament studies to unwind.
Interests Family, God, reading, hiking, bicycling, music
Favorite Movies A Knight's Tale, Nacho Libre, When Harry Met Sally, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Kid, Silver Streak, Absence of Malice, The Verdict, City Slickers, Groundhog Day, Rudy, Hoosiers, Unbreakable
Favorite Music Praise & Worship, 70s rock, Todd Rundgren, Don Henley, Diana Krall, Don Moen, Paul Baloche
Favorite Books Life Together (Bonhoeffer), The Release of the Spirit (Nee), Telling Secrets (Buechner), Mere Christianity (Lewis), Rebuilding the Real You (Hayford), In a Pit With a Lion On a Snowy Day (Batterson), Christianity 101 (Bilezikian), Are You Sure You're Right? (Hickson), Everything Must Change (McLaren), The Big Idea (Ferguson), The Bait of Satan (Bevere)