FaraH FaRzAnA

My blogs

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About me

Gender Female
Location Perai, Penang, Malaysia
Introduction ~ cepat marah tapi cepat cool ~ senang nak buat kawan ~ sporting gurl !
Interests suka baca novel, melepak, shopping wif my fwenz, pegi berkelah..
Favorite Movies suma cita hindustan, bola sepak yang berkaintan ngn negara sendiri like Harimau Muda..
Favorite Music p0p r0ck lar!
Favorite Books aNdaI iTu tAkdiRnYa, aDaM dAn hAwA, SeLaGi aDa dIa

Never mind the turtle. Don't you think you're sure to win?

noboby is perfect! so practice will make it perfect!