Kate "Katetastrophe" Chappell

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Disabled
Location Finger Lakes, NY, United States
Introduction I'm 36 & I am a Chronic Pain Demon Fighter, just trying to spread my story, and find others like me. =] I love being a Mom, listening to all kinds of music, writing, random road trips & learning. You can never stop learning no matter how old you are!!
Interests reading, crochet, listen to music, travel, profound interest in African Violets & Orchids, LOVE to research, board games, puzzles, magazines, anatomy, health, banishing bad doctors, striving to find a cure or treatment regiment!
Favorite Movies Gone With The Wind, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Crow, any and all horror movies. Anything with Jim Carrey & or Will Farell
Favorite Music Metal runs in my veins. But I will pretty much listen to anything... Music in all forms is wonderful. Even though I can't sing or even produce one single note of anything intelligible.
Favorite Books Gone With The Wind!!! Anything by Terence McKenna, Alan Watts, Nicholas Sparks, Steven King, and Jennifer Wiener

Chicken monkey shoes?

Puppy Baby Monkey... fucking stupid question