Catherine Denton

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Publishing
Occupation Writer
Location Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
Introduction I believe everyone has the ability to create. I hope you'll find inspiration for your creative endeavors here!
Interests When I was little, my family called me the "wonder child". Not because I was a superhero but because I wondered about everything like..."Why don't babies come out of calves instead of tummies?" I still "wonder" a lot today and delight researching all kinds of odd bits. Lately that would include: writing, photography, writing, sketching, writing, collage, writing, and something I've never grasped...housecleaning.
Favorite Movies Where to start? Loving story, I naturally love MANY movies. Some are cheesy and some are deep. A small selection: Pride and Prejudice, Love Actually, Harry Potter, Princess Bride, Crash, Dear Frankie, Slumdog Millionaire
Favorite Music I'm eclectic. Alanis, Josh Groban, Evanescence, Taylor Swift, Pink, Miley Cyrus (I know, I'm ridiculous)
Favorite Books There is not enough space but I'll list a few which will all be children's books. I write for children and read for the child in me. Fairies of Dreamdark: Blackbringer, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, So B. It, Lightning Thief, Wishing Well, Olive's Ocean, and hundreds of "how-to" books because I love to learn stuff.