Lyn Lomasi

Blogs I follow

About me

Industry Consulting
Occupation Master Creator
Location Denver, CO, United States
Introduction Lyn Lomasi is founder and owner of the Brand Shamans Content Community. Services include ordained soul therapy and healing ministry, business success coaching, business success services, handcrafted healing jewelry, ethereal and anointing oils, altar and spiritual supplies and services, handcrafted healing beauty products, and more! Lyn is your brand healing, soul healing, marketing & content superhero to the rescue! While rescuing civilians from boring business practices and energy vampires, this awesomely crazy family conquers evil and creates change. They live among tigers, dragons, mermaids, unicorns, and other fantastic energies, teaching others to claim their own power and do the same. By supporting us, you support a dedicated parent, healer, and minority small business that donates to several causes. Profits from our all-inclusive store, Intent-sive Nature support these causes and our beautiful family!

The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?

Love potion? Wouldn't want to taste it anyway. I want someone to love me for me, not because they feel they have to or they are under some spell.