Lyn Lomasi
Blogs I follow
- A Smaller Budget
- All About Baltimore, Hon!
- All About Giving
- All Things Vegetarian... or at Least Kind
- Angel Sharum's Story Board
- Apocalyptic Margaritas
- Au Tournant des Saisons
- Average Fan Hockey Blog
- Average Fan Movie Blog
- Average Man Weight War
- Barefoot Scribbles
- Becoming a Freelance Writer
- Bed & Breakfast Inn Menus
- Beekeeping in the City
- Beermaking Basics
- Behind the Writing
- Between the Wyrlds
- Bored in Columbus?
- BP Slick
- Canadian Rock Trail
- Canaduceus
- Catholic Activities
- Coffee with Kyla
- Condo Blues
- Connect with your Teens through Pop Culture and Technology
- Consolidated Coolness
- Cooking à la Canadienne
- Country Kids Foundation
- Deirdra Eden
- Dinner Party Menus for Budget-Challenged Hosts
- DIY Home School
- Dogs Rule Iowa
- dogsviewpoint
- Economically Green
- Ellie's Couch
- Emma Vine
- EnviroGreen Global
- Farm Living
- Food Challenges of the World
- Food Preservation 101
- Freelance Writer, Lisaswrite - My Blog
- Fruit, Nut and Ornamental Trees 101
- German Shepherd Merchandise
- Getting Ready for Christmas All Year Long
- Growing Your Own Groceries
- Halloween Haven
- Help Michigan Pets
- Home Winemaking Basics
- Homeschooling - A Life
- Homeschooling in Quebec
- Hope for Blog
- In the Garden With Sow-n-Sow ...
- Jul Bodeeb
- Just Desserts
- Karen Curley - Colored Pencil Art
- Kat Featherton Writing Services
- Let's Talk About Medications
- Literacy and Reading News
- Living a Plastic-Free Life
- Living a Plastic-Free Life
- Marie Anne's Missives
- Marriage Examiner - In Depth
- Meet Your Marker
- Mixology 101
- Natural, Healthy and Happy
- Official Google Webmaster Central Blog
- Online Writing Opportunities
- Pageview Writer
- Parenting in the 21st Century
- Positively Priceless
- Prayers for Logan
- Protecting and Caring for Wild Birds
- Quiet Keystrokes and Midnight Ramblings
- Raising Bookworms
- Raising Money$mart Kids
- Raising Pagan Children
- Random Poetry Glimpse
- Ranee Wright's Poetry
- Raw Milk for Real People
- Read Write Up
- Recipes That Please with Ease
- Responsible Pet Ownership Blog
- Rissa Writes
- Sardines in a Can
- School Days
- Self-Syndicating Your Newspaper Column
- Sharon the Librarian
- She's Listening
- Shelly Barclay
- Simple Herbal
- Start & Run a Bookkeeping Business
- Stop My Migraines
- Swelterbird
- Tamara Writes...
- Teachers Teaching Tips & Writers Writing Wit (T³ + W³)
- Technology reviews and more.
- The Associated Content Blog
- The Character of Education
- The Crooked Yarn
- The Fun & Healthy School Lunchbox
- The Garden and Greenhouse in Winter
- The Good (& Simple) Life
- The HeART of Words
- The Hungry Kitchen
- The Impatient Crafter
- The Mystery and Melancholy of the Streets
- The Pet Parade
- The Science and Politics of Climate Change and Sustainability
- The Special Needs Family
- The Weekly Writer
- The WM Parenting Connection
- The Wrighter
- Things to do in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex
- Timeless Foods
- Wild Thyme Blows
- Wilmington Island Homestead
- Work From Home
- Write, Wrong, or Indifferent
- Writing & Selling Non-Fiction Books
- Writing for
- Writing for the Yahoo! Contributor Network
- Yard Chickens 101
- Your Blog Connection
- Your Weird Dreams
Industry | Consulting |
Occupation | Master Creator |
Location | Denver, CO, United States |
Introduction | Lyn Lomasi is founder and owner of the Brand Shamans Content Community. Services include ordained soul therapy and healing ministry, business success coaching, business success services, handcrafted healing jewelry, ethereal and anointing oils, altar and spiritual supplies and services, handcrafted healing beauty products, and more! Lyn is your brand healing, soul healing, marketing & content superhero to the rescue! While rescuing civilians from boring business practices and energy vampires, this awesomely crazy family conquers evil and creates change. They live among tigers, dragons, mermaids, unicorns, and other fantastic energies, teaching others to claim their own power and do the same. By supporting us, you support a dedicated parent, healer, and minority small business that donates to several causes. Profits from our all-inclusive store, Intent-sive Nature support these causes and our beautiful family! |
The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?
Love potion? Wouldn't want to taste it anyway. I want someone to love me for me, not because they feel they have to or they are under some spell.