Beth Mitchum

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Publishing
Occupation Writer
Location Winter Park, Florida, United States
Links Audio Clip
Introduction You can find my published works: Driftwood, Artemisian Artist, Gaia's Guardian, Demeter's Daughter, In My Dreams, Higher Love, The Diary of Allie Katz, bethwor(l)ds and wor(l)ds of love, loss, and longing, Slices of My Life: So Far, Seen Dancing: Essays from the Heart, and three poetry anthologies I edited: Tulips Touching, Wet Violets, and Roses Read, at,,, and hundreds of other online stores. My music CD, Driftwood: The Music, is available through and, Signed copies are available at these sites, as well as through Personalized copies are available upon request through me. Email: and let me know which titles you want, and I'll invoice you through PayPal. Or you can pay me by mailing a check or money order in U.S. dollars to my post office box. Let me know if you want the book inscription personalized. All of my books are now available in Kindle format, and you can download a free version of Kindle for your PC, Mac, iPod, iPhone, or Blackberry. They are also on Nook and Kobo. I have a writer's page and a personal page on Facebook.
Interests Eastern spirituality, singing, songwriting, poetry, writing, art, books, nature, photography
Favorite Movies Too many to enumerate. I watch movies a LOT. Rather a nice break from writing, editing, chasing my cats around the house.
Favorite Music Jazz, Rock, Classical (Baroque-flavored), New Age.
Favorite Books All of mine, of course. Then there are a couple other that are noteworthy: The Hobbit (still a favorite after all these years), Tao Te Ching, Garden Spells (fairly new, check it out!).

You've just inherited a manufacturing plant that specializes in plastics. What are you going to make?

Seriously? You are asking the queen of green such an imbecilic question? I'd turned the factory into one that makes something other than plastic, that's for sure.