小丁 siuding
My blogs
- siuding design & illustration
- www.siuding.com<...
- Pull Out Your Day
- www.siuding.com<...
- siuding 小丁
- www.siuding.com<... my Nude / Portrait project
Blogs I follow
- 08 Lin-Li
- Art Art Tum Tum - by Sunny Ku
- freaks' club 怪雞俱樂部
- Il Grande Vetro
- jolene5719
- monitor
- www.siuding.com<br> my Nude / Portrait project
- www.siuding.com<br>blue grass
- Yuen Yan Jotted
- 影意志 Ying E Chi
- 無雀腳仔。
- 聽歌記日文
- 袁智聰唱片箱
- 追懺者
Location | Hong Kong |
Introduction | 藝術家/書本設計師 生活就是藝術,身體就是個人的神殿。被稱作「露體狂」,喜歡打破禁忌,遊戲人間。 Artist, book designer Body Autonomy promoter. Showing everybody the body is our instinctive art element and art is everywhere in our everyday life. Nudity is not a statement, but only a choice in life. |