
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Marketing
Location London, United Kingdom
Introduction I'm a fashionable Danish blogger living abroad with my one year old daughter and my boyfriend. I have lived in London for the past three years and love living - and shopping - in the city. Although most of my income goes to rent and childcare (London is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in - and to have children in!) I can always find ways to spot new trends both for myself and my daughter. Although I have lived abroad for nearly ten years there will always be the Scandinavian touch to my choices of clothing, furniture, and everyday life living abroad.
Interests Shopping, fashion, friends, travelling, summer, snowboarding, LA, NYC, shopping for my daughter, living in London
Favorite Movies Drive, Inception, The Holiday, Sex and the City
Favorite Music Chadore, The XX, Justin Timberlake, Mikael Simpson
Favorite Books Shopoholic, Summer and the City, Twenties girl, I heart NY, I heart LA