Dougald Hine

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Occupation (resisting occupation)
Location London, United Kingdom
Introduction This blog was my online home between 2006 and 2009. Today, you'll find me scattered across the internet. To start looking, go to my personal website:
Interests climate change, advertising, gambling industry, rants, politics, democracy, consumerism, change, strange folk music, reading, writing, technology and its consequences, xinjiang, craft, theology, religion, sense of place, belonging, meritocracy and its discontents, rhetoric, englishness, good beer, the future, the past, my surroundings, time, timeliness, industrialisation, development, john berger, alan garner, jeremy seabrook, anthropology, learning, education, schools, deschooling, ivan illich, hugh brody, tribal peoples, eschatology
Favorite Movies Stealing Beauty, Children of Men
Favorite Music Johnny Cash, The Clash
Favorite Books The Shape of a Pocket, Thursbitch, Midnight in Sicily, Yoga for People Who Can't Be Bothered to Do It, This Is All (The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn), Here Is Where We Meet, The Voice That Thunders, How To Be Free