Sugar Daze
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- 30 ans en beauté
- Bella Cupcakes
- Bitchin' Bakers Bitch
- Coco Cake Land - Cakes Cupcakes Vancouver BC
- Confessions of a Cookbook Queen
- Construction maison Sud Ouest
- CookieCrazie
- Crocup cupcakes marseille
- Cup a Dee Cakes Blog
- Cupcake Camp Paris
- cupcake d'lights {South Africa}
- Cupcake Obsessed
- Cupcakes Take The Cake
- Elfie's Little Bakery
- Ellis Is...
- Glorious Treats
- God, I Love Paris
- Jenni Does Dessert
- JS-Kit
- Le Cupcake
- Les Paradis Artificiels
- Lipstick Quotes
- Living a Rockstar Life
- Lost In Cheeseland
- Martha Stewart's Cupcakes Club
- Me and My RC
- MiraUncut - cooking, restaurant reviews, molecular gastronomy, sweet stuff and sass
- My sugar coated life...
- oh,sugar!
- Parker Update
- Small Things Iced
- Sugar Daze (en francais)
- Sugar Daze, An American Bakery in Paris.
- SweetThings
- tea cupcakes...
- The Cupcake Artisan
- The Extraordinary Art of Cake
- The Journal of a Girl who Loves To Cook
- The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle
- The TomKat Studio
- thefrostedcakencookie
- Two Peas and Their Pod
Location | Paris, France |
Links | Wishlist |
Introduction | Sugar Daze (f/k/a Little Miss Cupcake) is the original American cupcake baker living in Paris with a French husband and our two mini-muffins. During my twenties, I worked in NYC in advertising (for fast food giant, Burger King, among others). I have been baking since I was a wee tot and studied pastry at Peter Kump's (now called the Institute of Culinary Education) in Manhattan. |