
My blogs

About me

Introduction I am a Miriam Gonzalez Durantez, a Spanish mum of three sons. This is my attempt to prove to my children that cooking can be fun and easy without having to spend your life in the kitchen baking complicated cakes. Most of my recipes have a Spanish origin, but have a British or international side to them. The pictures are made by my children with my help. They are getting better and better at arranging the food so that it looks good, though sometimes we are in such a rush that the quality is only so-so. Most of the recipes have been made with the help of either one or both of my eldest sons during the holidays and weekends - and now the little one is helping sometimes as well. When they are not in the mood to help they hang around in the kitchen so I hope they are learning just by watching anyway. I am also hoping they learn how to run a blog. Initially we committed to run the blog for a year but we set the objective of generating £40. Four years on we are still very far away from that objective. I have agreed to run the blog until we get there, but only provided they do too... let's see! will keep you posted on our progress...