Karen Williamson...

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Photographer/Nurse/Mother
Location Warkworth, New Zealand
Introduction From photography to book art, to ceramics and assemblage shrines, I live to create, create to live.
Interests Assemblage art, Photography, Ceramics, Bookmaking, Dia de los Muertos, Wabi-Sabi, Dadaism, Collecting Junk, Rusty stuff
Favorite Movies 2001 Space Odyssey, Amelie, Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Some Like it Hot, Blade Runner directors cut.
Favorite Music Elbow, Neko Case, The Stranglers, Pink Floyd, Boy & Bear, @Peace
Favorite Books Dirt Music, Old Man and the Sea, Secrets of Rusty Things, The Bone People, Max's Chocolate Chicken, All of Me, Room

Compose the lyrics to a new national anthem that features an animal sound at least once:

God of nations at thy feet, In the bonds of love we bleeet, Here our voices we tweet tweet, God defend New Zealand