Dana Mrkich - Visioning the Dream Awake

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Energy Intuitive, Writer, Author, Inspirational Speaker, Conscious Evolution Teacher, Radio Host
Location Australia
Introduction Energy Intuitive Dana Mrkich (BA Comm. Social Inquiry/Media)is an internationally known visionary in the fields of Conscious Evolution, Personal Transformation and Vibrational/Energy Reality. With over 16 years experience seeing clients all around the world, Dana offers Soul Sessions via email, phone and Skype empowering people to step further into their true self and best possible reality. Dana is the author of A New Chapter, and has produced and hosted two radio shows; TruthSeeker (Sydney Australia) and Visioning the Dream Awake (Voice America). An inspirational writer, teacher and speaker with a natural ability to remind others of their innate truth and essence, Dana's 7 week E-Course Create a Life you Love has recently been launched on Daily Om. Her articles have appeared internationally in print and online magazines. Dana is passionate about the merging of consciousness with action in all arenas, and was a panellist at the 2005 World Peace Congress in Italy with her talk Creating our New Reality. Dana has had a lifelong vision that we are here this lifetime to awaken to our true natures and open up to a greater reality.
Interests Travelling anywhere and everywhere, experiencing everything life has to offer, Soaking up knowledge, developing wisdom, finding out more of the truth, sharing it, connecting with my soul family and helping each other do our work on the planet.
Favorite Movies The Matrix, Walk the Line, The Lakehouse, Only You, Hurricane, The Notebook, An Inconvenient Truth, Farenheit 911, Bowling for Columbine, What Dreams May Come, Moulin Rouge, The Mists of Avalon, The Shawshank Redemption, What the Bleep do we Know, Chocolat, Baraka, DragonFly, Peace One Day.
Favorite Books The Celestine Prophecy, The Power of Now, Astrology for the Soul, The Mayan Oracle, Legends of the Star Ancestors, Bringers of the Dawn, Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything else is Illusion, anything by Paulo Coelho and David Icke, The Flip, The Artist's Way, Into the Buzzsaw, The Messiah Seed, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Da Vinci Code, Conversations with God.