My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Clublife
- lucid
- Prosthetic Medic
- Street Watch: Notes of a Paramedic
- The Raven's Keep Archive
- The War on Guns
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Paramedic |
Location | West Chester, PA, United States |
Introduction | I'm a 26 year old Paramedic living in West Chester, PA. Born in suburban Boston, MA, and still have some family ties in the greater Boston area. I've been in PA since I was 5. I've worked full and/or part time as a EMT and a Security Officer since 2003, and now work 3 part-time jobs (for full time hours) as a Paramedic. Oh, and I'm back in school, again, this time at West Chester University to finally get my B.S. degree. From there? Who knows. Thinking about Physician Assistant but not quite sure yet. |
Interests | EMS, Evidence-Based Medicine, Firearms, Training of all types |
Favorite Movies | Mother Jugs and Speed, Ladder 49, SWAT, Super Troopers, The Boondock Saints, Backdraft, The Departed, The Perfect Storm, American Pie, Bringing Out The Dead, The Guardian, The Hurt Locker, The Kingdom, The Transporter, Star Wars, Star Trek, Spaceballs, A Few Good Men, Garden State, Appaloosa |
Favorite Music | Matisyahu, The Beatles, John Lennon, Eric Bogle, Bon Jovi, The Capitol Steps, CSNY, Dave Matthews Band, Gaelic Storm, Gin Blossoms, The Goo Goo Dolls, Green Day, Jay-Z, Pearl Jam, U Penn Shabbatones, Peter Paul and Mary, Queen, Rav Shmuel, Stan Rogers, Rush, Schooner Fare, Shotei Hanevua, Fred Small, Bill Staines, Switchfoot, Livingston Taylor, Ted Nugent, Tom Paxton, Tom Petty, U2, Zac Brown Band |
Favorite Books | Starship Troopers, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Stranger in a Strange Land, Harry Potter, The Postman, The Perfect Storm, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Lovely Bones, The Gift of Fear, Robert B. Parker, Tom Clancy, Lisa Scottoline, John Grisham |