Stephanie Dawn

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Ambassador for Christ, Wife, Mom, Homeschooler, Blogger, Healthcare Worker
Introduction I have a number of passions that I would like to share, but above all is my relationship with Jesus. I try to follow Him as best I can, and have prayed to be convicted of anything in my life that isn’t in alignment with His desires. Not because I think this earns me salvation or answered prayers, but because I truly love Him and don’t want to hurt His heart! I want my life to be a pleasing aroma – a fragrant offering – to God. I would love to have you come alongside me. Not that I am anyone significant. But that is exactly the point. - Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord! (1 Corinthians 1:26-31)
Interests Biblical Prophecy, Discipleship, Discernment, Apologetics, Evangelism
Favorite Books The Bible, When God Intervenes (Douglas Berner), God's Challenge (Douglas Berner), Earthquake Resurrection (David Lowe), Because the Time is Near (John MacArthur), Pursuit of Holiness (Jerry Bridges), Practice of Godliness (Jerry Bridges), Called to Greatness (Ron Hutchcraft)