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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Artisan Jewelry Designer, Writer and Possibilitarian
Location Stevens Point, WI, United States
Introduction Imagine yourself doing what you love and loving what you do, Being happy from the inside out, Experiencing your dreams wide awake, Being creative, Being unique, Being you- changing things to the way you know they can be- Living the life you always imagined.
Interests I am an independent jewelry artist and the owner of my own design company Tesori Trovati Jewelry, which is Italian for "treasures found", I am seeking to connect with those who believe that inspiration is everywhere if we just take the time to really see, I love creating one of a kind jewelry that makes you say WOW, reading, surfing the internet, watching my son play sports and my daughter dance, eating chocolate and planning my next massage escape
Favorite Movies The Princess Bride, Moulin Rouge, Dream Girls, Bull Durham, Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr is yummy!), Pirates of the Carribean and Alice in Wonderland (both with Johnny Depp of course) and anything with Harrison Ford, Kevin Costner or Tom Hanks
Favorite Music My new favorite is Sara Bareilles. Can't. Get. Enough. Dan Mitchell is a new star on the rise.
Favorite Books The Angel's Game, The Help, Eat Pray Love, The Phantom Tollbooth, Jewels: A Secret History, Also anything beading, design or art related, especially my friend Heather's new book Jewelry Designs from Nature

Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate?

It will be made entirely of beads...gemstones, pearls, silver, gold and copper...and it will honor my website that will finally debut!