Prof. Stick

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About me

Industry Education
Occupation Autodidactic Polymath
Location Australia
Introduction Prof Stick reckons that there's no point writing a bio here because he doesn't exist. Now this doesn't worry him like it might worry you or me. In fact, Prof Stick quite enjoys being imaginary because it means that, unlike us, he doesn't have to obey the laws of physics. He can happily fall from great heights, crash his Kombi into trees, travel near the speed of light, endure crushing g forces and do a plethora of other things that would inadvisable for someone who did exist. Some people worry that they might be lonely if they didn't exist. Not at all! Prof Stick has many other imaginary friends, above all his trusty dog Albert. Albert also likes being imaginary, especially because it means he can talk. This is fortunate for us because he is full of sage advice. Albert reckons that if we all spent less time worrying about whether and why we exist, and just got on with enjoying ourselves, the universe would be a happier place.