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About me

Industry Arts
Location Germany
Introduction Jennifer S. Lange is a self-taught artist creating illustrations for books, games, posters, and worldbuilding projects using a range of media from digital 3D modelling to traditional charcoal drawing, using figurative realism in small formats. When not working on projects, her SFF work is accompanied by story snippets providing a look beyond the frame of the image. With her interests including anthropology, transhumanism, astronomy, and fashion, both character and architectural designs astonish with their eclectic mix of less-travelled paths. Her personal work has recently begun expanding into the philosophical and political via use of surrreal and symbolist depictions of allegorical figures, emphasizing both a positive outlook on modern life with its chances rather than its risks, and the dangers of lingering misunderstandings of oneself and others. Jennifer lives in northern Germany with her partner, and a lot of cats.