Ahimsa Village

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About me

Industry Education
Location Julian, PA, United States
Introduction Ahimsa Village is a newly forming intentional community near State College, PA. Ahimsa Village consists of residential and nonresidential members, an education center, and small business enterprises. Activities include agroforestry; organic farming; holistic therapy program for at-risk young people; a “green living” summer camp; and workshops and classes on sustainable systems. The living environment is both vegetarian and ecologically friendly. Ahimsa Village is part of a 323-acre School of Living community land trust.
Interests Permaculture, vegetarianism, environmental education, intentional community, agroforestry, organic gardening, nonviolent communication, shared self community
Favorite Books Peace Pilgrim, Living the Good Life, We're All Doing Time, Everyday Zen, 101 Reasons I'm a Vegetarian