My blogs
Blogs I follow
- <center>Under the Sycamore Tree</center>
- A Healing Space... reflections on love, meaning, and the aliveness of immediate experience
- A Robert Brault Reader
- Buddha Space
- Communiqués
- Hay Quaker
- iAwake
- Patricia Bralley: Seeing for My Self
- SOF Observed
- Soldiers For Peace International
- Still I Am One
- Temet Nosce
- Wisdom Quarterly: American Buddhist Journal
- Zen, Yoga, Gurdjieff- perspectives on inner work
- ZenDotStudio
Industry | Non-Profit |
Occupation | Spiritual Direction, Contemplative Practices |
Introduction | Ecumenicus is a not for profit organization dedicated to seeking, understanding, and promoting spiritual truth and social harmony. Ecumenicus provides resources in spiritual direction, contemplative prayer, and retreat opportunites to individuals, groups, churches and spiritual wellness organizations. Interests, programs and products are aimed at living with intention and integrity by encouraging spiritual growth through education and contemplative practice. IN HARMONY -Taize services for charity. |
Interests | Spirit Rising! ~sharing the spirit, transforming hearts and minds... Ecumenicus promotes unity in diversity, encouraging spiritual awareness through contemplative thought/practice and theologically thoughtful inquiry. |