Linda C

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation retired
Location Alabama
Introduction Newlywed! so I am a wife again, daughter, sister, aunt, kitty and doggie mama, non practicing RN
Interests quilting, redwork embroidery, knitting, cooking but some days it is a chore when I want to to sew
Favorite Movies While You Were Sleeping, Love Actually, Sleepless in Seattle Under the Tuscan Sun---sensing a trend here?
Favorite Music just about anything but heavy metal and hip hop. Peter Hollens, Home Free, Celtic Thunder and all its offshoots and Phil Coulter are my current favs
Favorite Books mysteries mostly but lately I am lucky to get through the local paper

You've been entered in a shadow puppet contest. What's your best pose?

I would go with a barking dog because I have one to model it after.