My blogs
Gender | Male |
Industry | Internet |
Occupation | Softwarearchitekt |
Location | Rosenheim, Bavaria, Germany |
Introduction | ekke lives in the south of germany working as an independent Software Architect and Senior ERP Consultant. He's using Eclipse since beginning. ekke survived many technologies since more then 30 years of development in the domain of ERP solutions: (Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, 4GL,...) since 2000 working with Java and Domain-Specific-Languages (DSL) ekke is architect of german ERP - Businessapplications, actually designing an ERP solution for companies of waste + recycling: Server: OSGI (Equinox), Eclipse Riena, EasyBeans OSGI, JPA, BusinessProcessEngine, BusinessRulesEngine, BIRT Reporting Rich Clients: OSGI (Equinox), Eclipse RCP, Eclipse Riena Model-Driven: Eclipse Modeling (EMF, UML2, openArchitectureWare) OpenSource: core parts from actual project will become Open Source (EPL) If there's some time ;-) ekke likes: - travelling as backpacker to the island of crete - making photos of nature and kids - reading books, listening music... and of course spend time with his wife and kids |
Interests | Java, MDSD, OSGI, Eclipse, UML, ERP, oAW, openArchitectureWare |
Favorite Movies | pulp fiction, matrix, kill bill, easy rider |
Favorite Music | rolling stones, georg danzer, ostbahn kurti, ringsgwandl |
Favorite Books | otherland, fred vargas, hakan nesser |