Christy Yuncker and George Happ

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Industry Science
Location Fairbanks, Alaska, United States
In the webpage Christy Yuncker Photo Journal, we introduce Millie and Roy, a mated pair of Sandhill Cranes. We have observed Millie and Roy on their nesting territory for a decade and photographed them since 2004.

The Alaska Sandhill Crane Blog focuses on crane evolution, behavior, education, and social structure.
In How birds think, we review recent research in avian neuroscience.

Christy was educated as a biologist (Colorado State) and worked in biomedical research laboratories in Colorado and Vermont.
George held university faculty positions in Washington DC, New York, Colorado, Vermont, and Alaska.
Interests bird behavior, photography, microbiology, cell biology, ecology, evolution, infectious disease, insects, conservation biology, ethology