
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Industry Education
Location Houston, Texas, United States
Introduction Howdy! TROPICAL TEXANA here in Subtropical Houston features posts about our ever changing tropical garden. GARDEN WINK is my artsy garden blog. THE OTHER HOUSTON is my blog about other bungalow houses & gardens in Houston. Thanks for stopping by. David
Interests Art, Architecture, Organic gardening, Native plants, Wilderness Conservation, Photography, Maps, Tropical Places, Tarzan movies, Phytogeography, Botany, Butterflies, Bird Watching, Botanical Gardens, Art museums, Menil Collection, Banyan trees, cloud forests, zen gardens, BUNGALOWS, COTTAGE GARDENS, historic Galveston, historic Texas, maps, climate, weather data, modern art, zebras, Via Colori, German language, Spanish language, giant trees, extinction, Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands
Favorite Movies classic movies, film noir, documentaries, adventure, Andy Griffith show
Favorite Music jazz, contemporary Christian, Newsboys, Coldplay, U2, classical, brass ensembles, Hawaiian ukulele music
Favorite Books the one I'm currently reading, garden books, garden design, tropical gardens, old botany journals