The Mary Widow

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Writer
Introduction I saunter around home as Felicity Nielsen, and my husband and I launched five daughters into the world and marriage, which brought five new sons into our family. So far, they have given us 22 unique and wonderful grandchildren. Our youngest, a son, is still at home, part time, and a comfort to me since I became a widow. He helps the house seem less empty and his sense of humor lightens my load.
Interests Poetry, theology, French horn, greeting cards
Favorite Movies Pride and Prejudice (almost any version), Emma (with Gyneth Paltrow), Much Ado about Nothing with Emma Thompson, The Blindside
Favorite Music Mozart's Horn Concerti recorded by Barry Tuckwell, Alison Balsom's Sound the Trumpet; with Trevor Pinnick conducting, she makes Purcell and Handel live again with her amazing recording of their music with the natural trumpet.
Favorite Books Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

You've just inherited a manufacturing plant that specializes in plastics. What are you going to make?

Little pop-up greeting cards, especially with doors and windows that really open and close.