Lillian Child

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Law
Occupation Legal Assistant
Location Omaha, NE, United States
Introduction I am married to my best friend. My DH is a decorated Vietnam Veteran and we've been married now for 29 years. I have two wonderful adult children who are proof that there are at least two things I've done right in my life. They make me so proud. And I have a 3-year old grandson, Jonas, who shows me the world all fresh and new through his eyes - he makes me smile out loud every single day!
Interests I am a papercrafting enthusiast - it's my passion. I've always enjoyed crafts and hobbies, but there's just something so special about creating cards and scrapbooks. It has kept my undivided attention for over four years now with no signs of letting up. I have a room in our home completely devoted to this hobby of mine and I love to spend hours on end making art.
Favorite Movies Dr. Zhivago, Sixth Sense, Dances with Wolves, Wizard of Oz, To Kill a Mockingbird, Avatar
Favorite Music BeeGees, Journey, Josh Groban, Elvis, Eagles, Kelly Clarkson, Three Dog Night, Daughtry, Adam Lambert
Favorite Books Dean Koontz, Twilight Series, Hunger Games. I love a good mystery or a good romance novel.