jean hart stewart

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Publishing
Occupation author
Location Rancho Santa Fe, California, United States
Introduction Writing has been my first love since I was a child. I put in quite a few years as a realestate broker, and while I enjoyed it at the time am now glad I retired to write. Am on my 25th books now, with a new series about handsome and romanctic Elves. They're also pretty hot! Other series are eight books about Druids, and eight about Mages. Also have two straight historicals. Publishers are Ellora's Cave, Passion in Print, and MuseitUp. You can find me at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Google, etc. Hope you like reading as well as I do..
Interests art, minerals, reading, reading, reading
Favorite Movies Pride and Prejudice, Somewhere in Time, Mama Mia
Favorite Music too many to list. Mostly the oldies bu goodies, which turns some people off. I guess in spite of writing erotica my other tastes are kind old-fashioned.
Favorite Books couldn't begin to list them all. Again Pride and Prejudice would lead the list.

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?

Do you as a reader prefer sweet or hot sex?